A builder of ContextAction. This is used in ContextHandler and ContextProvider to incrementally build actions, with modifications applied on different layers of context handling/provision as needed.
See the Wiki for a detailed overview of the ContextAction system in fzzy config.
Replaces this builders active state supplier with a new one.
Builds the ContextAction for deployment in a context handler setting. This is handled internally for Config GUI entries, but can be used for actions added to other contexts.
Applies an icon to this action for display in a context menu. Default icon is no icon at all, simply a blank space to line the text up with actions that do have an icon.
Adds context menu narration to this action. Default narration will only announce the action name. This narration should be used to provide detailed information about the circumstances and consequences of using the action.
Marks that this action should not appear in a context menu (keybind-only activation)
Applies modifications to the current active supplier of this builder. This can be used to "AND" or "OR" a previous supplier, for example.